New Artwork at Tulsa International Airport - Snoots Pet Photography
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Wednesday, January 24, 2024
By Snoots Pet Photography

I was contacted by the Tulsa International Airport and they wanted to know if I would like to have a gallery of my pet photography up in their hallways.


So I took the month of December to create 20 pieces for them. We went to a lot of very "Tulsa" places so I could highlight some of our cool spots. The project is made up of all rescue or shelter animals, both cats and dogs, showing the wide range of beautiful, adoptable pets that are currently in need of homes.

The common thought with these animals is that they're unadoptable, mean, sick, or too old. I volunteer with these animals all the time and have found quite the opposite. (And, actually, my soul dog Tig was a messy little stray that a rescue picked up and I foster failed her so fast because I fell absolutely in love with her!)

This is just a few of the images I took for the project. If you'd like to see more, please visit the Tulsa airport sometime in the next year (they will be displayed until at least 2025). They will be displayed in the hallways that lead from the parking garages in both terminals.

Huge shout out to BARC Rescue and Sand Springs Animal Welfare. I borrowed their pets for most of these images. :) Please give them a visit if you're looking for a new furry bff.

If you can't adopt, foster. If you can't foster, volunteer. If you can't volunteer, donate. If you can't donate, share. 

Tulsa locations highlighted here:

Circle Cinema, Woodward Park conservatory, Philbrook Museum, the downtown skyline as seen from Boxyard, Golden Driller, and the BOK tower from Boston Ave.

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