How to Prepare for Your Pet Session • Tulsa Dog Photographer
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Wednesday, February 07, 2024
By Snoots Pet Photography

When you book your session with me, I will send out our welcome packet - it has tips and tricks to help your session go smoothly.

Here are some of the more important ones.

Walk or play with your dogs right before your session

While they'll still be amped up when they get to me, burning off some of that extra energy beforehand will be help. A tired dog is a good dog.

Don't feed them

I always use treats as motivators, so I want them good & hungry! Even if they aren't usually food motivated, I bring some REALLY good smelling stuff, so I at least want to try it. Even if I don't give it to them, it is a good trick to make them look at my camera.

Let me know of any issues

Does your pet have any allergies, sensitivities, or behavior triggers?  Let me know before your session so I can prepare.  This includes letting me know if something is either good or bad - if they are food aggressive, if they will ALWAYS look when you say "squirrel", if they can't have chicken products, etc.  These are all things I want to know before your session.

Groom them a couple of days before

If your dog requires grooming or a bath, please do this at least the day before your session, if not earlier. Bad haircuts happen and we want to avoid that last minute mess, but also grooming usually gets on the dogs' nerves and I want them as calm as we can when they reach me. PLEASE do not book grooming or give baths the same day as your shoot.

Be calm & quiet

Depending on the dog, I may need your help during the session, but it's usually just by holding the leash out of the way. If you talk to your dog, they will look at you, and unless it's for a specific shot, I want them looking at me. Don't make clicking noises or tell them to look at me. I've got some annoying tricks that will definitely make them watch me.

And please stay calm, even when you think your dog is misbehaving. I promise, I'm still getting great photos. If you are anxious and upset, your dog will be able to sense that and things will just get worse. Breathe, baby. I gotchu. :)

Leave distractions at home

Unless we're doing a full family session, please leave babies and children at home. They are full of chaotic energy and will hype up the dogs.

Likewise, unless we need them, please don't bring additional people or pets. Even small things are distractions for dogs and I want all that focus on me. Even if others leave the area, the dogs will look for them, so if you can, just bring who is essential to the session.

You don't need to have your session planned out before you book. I can help you decide the best place to take photos and what all we can do. But if you have ideas for the session, feel free to let me know! We can shoot anywhere around the Tulsa area, including my studio or your home. There are tons of options!

And if you're in Oklahoma or the surrounding states but can't make it to Tulsa, please reach out and we can discuss travel options. 

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